Your kitchen remodel is just about finished. Work on your cabinets is complete and you are just waiting for your countertops. Before they are installed, if you plan on installing a new sink, you are going to need the dimensions so your countertop can be cut properly. Choosing a new kitchen sink is much more complicated than it used to be. The sink industry grows each year and so do your options. From how you set it, to the overall shape, size and look, you should start thinking about it now, so it doesn’t hold up the rest of your project.

Kitchen Sink Layout
One of the first things you want to consider is what type of sink you would like. There are a few choices that come to mind, all of which have to do with the number of basins. A single basin sink is just one, large, open sink. A double basin is split into two sections, most commonly of equal sizes. This may help you in keeping your sink a little more organized. For example, pots and pans on one side and everything else on the other. Or even a clean side and dirty one. Finally, there is a three basin. You guessed it, a three basin sink is split into three sections (shocking!). With a three basin, one of the sections will typically be smaller than the other two. We think this would make for the perfect silverware space. Now it is time to think about style options.

Plenty of Style Options
A new kitchen sink can really give your space that “wow” factor. In many cases, it can even be the focal point of the room. If you want it to impress, you are going to have many options to consider. An apron front sink is interesting in that you are able to see its’ entire front face. This is definitely a look that people either love or hate. Apron front or farm sinks are generally fairly large. Now imagine a large bowl sitting on top of your counter, that the faucet pours into. This is a vessel sink. You can really play around with this option because of the many different materials vessel sinks can be made of. Glass and ceramic are both popular options and can offer many vibrant designs and patterns. Under mount sinks sit just under the countertop and top mounts are just above them.

A kitchen sink can be made of many different materials. Stainless, porcelain, fire clay, granite composite and glass are some examples of what you’ve got to choose from. The sink is not something that should be overlooked. With the many layouts, styles and materials to choose from, you are going to want to spend some time thinking about what is best for your kitchen. As always, be sure to check out the rest of our blogs and for more in the world of Cabinet Cures, follow us on Instagram and Facebook.