Maple wood cabinets are a great choice for just about any kitchen. Maple is very popular throughout the industry. This is because of things like the way it takes stain, its’ strength and durability. In our blog this week, we will discuss all things that make maple great.

Staining Your Maple Wood Cabinets
Maple is a strong wood that has an impressive durability. Because it is a harder wood, many companies will tell you that they cannot stain it. We are here to tell you that is not true. Maple products simply need to be sealed properly to avoid a blotchy look. With our proprietary staining system, we are able to achieve something that many believe to be impossible. Our stain is capable of penetrating the maple wood cabinets and the result is always a beautiful color and finish. We are able to “dust coat” any stain we have until we end up with the exact color we need. This helps to ensure that every bit of stained product will feature that true wood look and color you are hoping for. If you aren’t looking for stain, don’t worry! We have paint grade maple for that.

The Possibilities Are Endless!
With maple wood cabinets, we are able to give you the stain color you are looking for. While other woods like cherry and alder may influence a stains color, because of the color of the wood type (cherry-red, alder-light brown), you don’t need to worry about that with maple. It may be the lightest wood there is, but that does not stop us! With our stain experts, you can even get a cherry look, on maple and save some money in the process. Other companies have called us crazy but we have been staining maple doors and cabinets for years. That being said, you may be interested in a more natural approach, in which case, maple is a lighter colored wood. Just make sure you understand that natural maple will absolutely yellow overtime. If this does not sound like a good time to you, pick a stain.

Cabinets Built To Last
Another nice thing about maple wood cabinets is that you can rest assured they will be built to last. Maple is a hardwood and this means there is a great durability and strength to it. In fact, maple is just about the strongest and most durable wood species out there. The construction of anything maple is sure to last for years to come. If this blog hasn’t convinced you to drop everything and install maple throughout your entire house, we aren’t sure what will. For everything else in home remodel, be sure to check out the rest of our blogs and add us on Facebook.